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Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to run android apps on windows with chrome

 Android is very good os for smartphone, but some people may not want to use androids only for personal, office or any other specific use. Too many apps can spoil out the memory and speed of your android phone. So in order to save your phone,
you can play these games and other apps on windows instead of android. You just need to follow some simple steps.given below to do so.
  1. Open chrome browser
  2. Download the arc welder app from chrome web store.

  3. After downloading it should automatically start installing ,so wait for it to install.
  4. then run it, it is available in start menu.

  5. You will be asked to choose a folder, click on choosr and select any empty folder in which all the files of it will be saved.

  6. choose the apk file of the app which you want to run

  7. select all the relevant settings of the app and then click On launch app. enjoy using the app.

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